Greater Prairie Chicken – The Chase, in Flight and Backlight

Post on May 2, 2015 Prairie Chicken Quail Birds


We had a clear sunny morning on the 2nd day at Knoza Prairie shooting blind. The birds are very active and there was an alpha male would flight off any males that came close within its territory.

Unfortunately shooting though barbed wires from confined space proven difficult and the side light didn’t help much. So i put on 1.4x III, with intention to blur out the wires, and used that slower shutter speed to get backlit wing tip. It worked alright. The bird to the right was the alpha male in the lek of 20 plus birds.

  • Canon, EOS 7D Mark II
  • EF 500mm F4L IS USM
  • ISO 800, 1/400, F5.6 ,700mm
  • Manhattan, Kansas
  • April 10, 2015
greater prairie chicken chase flight

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